Britain after Brexit: strong, independent and outward-looking

Mark Prisk, Conservative candidate for Hertford & Stortford, has spelt out his views about Britain after Brexit. “I want us to be a strong and outward-looking nation, in control of our borders and laws, but leading the way in trade and free speech around the globe. But to achieve this we need Theresa May and David Davis leading the negotiations. Jeremy Corbyn would give it all away. Only the Conservatives can secure the right deal for Britain.”

Mark’s views of Britain after Brexit includes:

  • Firm control of immigration, coupled with improved training for UK workers
  • Granting both EU citizens here and UK citizens abroad their rights as soon as possible
  • Promoting new trade deals and increasing UK exports around the globe
  • Backing British farmers and growers
  • Providing international leadership in championing free trade, freedom and security.
  • Strong defences in tackling terrorism, rogue states and cyber-attacks.
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